
The schools participating with us are part of the largest commodity processing network in the state. Our Network represents over 70,000 meals per day, giving your district tremendous buying power. Almost all manufacturers have guaranteed to us that their BARLOW Network pricing is the lowest price offered to any school district in the State of Oklahoma.

In addition to the pricing benefits of the Network, we also provide service to the district by monitoring for bonus or excess commodity pounds which may be available, attending all commodity events to keep updated on important information and maintain relationships with key brokers and manufacturers, and coordinating with distributors, brokers and manufacturers to verify NOI discounts.

Barlow staff associates also assist in forecasting the usage of commodities by assembling raw trucks of commodities to be diverted; assist the district in filling out the USDA Forecast Sheets; assist in the storage and delivery of finished products; assist in managing commodity balances; assist in finding excess or bonus pounds of raw commodities; and assist in obtaining volume discounts for Network members.

Compliance with all procurement practices in regards to purchases made for commodity processed items are also a benefit of membership.

Barlow staff associates also train members on the usage of the K12 Foodservice and Processorlink websites—tools that enable them to better track and utilize their commodity usage.


This always has relevant and insightful information on a variety of school management topics. BEMS is a service and resource that I truly can't imagine being without. Their expertise and timely advice is vital to our school district...

— Jim McCharen, Superintendent
Choctaw-Nicoma Park Schools
